
Bella Abzug

I just finished a biography of Bella Abzug. Abzug was one of the leaders of the second wave of feminism and a leading political voice of the Seventies. These days she has been sadly and unjustifiably forgotten. Youtube has this video of her, one of the few examples on the site of footage of her in her prime.

I quite enjoyed learning about Bella, but I couldn’t help–I beg her forgiveness–the whole time I was reading it, I kept hearing:

White on white translucent big hats
Pinned on her head

Bella Abzug is dead

Ed Koch has left the House floor
NOW statements have been read
Redistrict lines, the ballot box

Bella Abzug is dead

Bella Abzug is dead

Undead undead undead
Undead undead undead!

The feminist groups file past her tomb
Strewn with position papers
Bereft in sisterly gloom
Alone with Ted Kennedy
The Congresswoman

Bella Abzug is dead!

Battling Bella
Bella’s undead

Battling Bella
Bella’s undead