
Monthly Archives: August 2016

The Thirties & Forties had to lead to the Fifties. The Fifties to the Sixties. The Sixties to the Seventies.

In the depths of each phase, the forces defining that phase seem permanent. But already has been stamped their expiration date, and the next cycle cued up to overtake.

It’s time to pause for a moment and honor the greatest accomplishment of any life form on this planet: the creation of the oxygen atmosphere by cyanobacteria. It took a billion years. For untold millennia, tiny blue-green algae woke up, punched the time clock, and spent the day busily churning out oxygen. They knew they wouldn’t live to see the end goal, but they never faltered, because they had a dream and they believed in that dream. Humanity’s most majestic achievement, global climate change, is a mere modification of the work done by those pioneers. Cyanobacteria: the first and still the best.